When you think of the Coolidge Corner Clubhouse, a few things probably come to mind. Televisions. Burgers. Beer. And they’re all accurate; the little pub boasts 21 TV monitors, an extensive food menu, and plenty of the sudsy stuff. But beyond the standard sports-bar trappings, CCC has a little secret: it’s got one of the — if not the — biggest martini selections around. Where else can you find a 39-martini menu with varieties like Almond Joy (Bailey’s Irish cream, Frangelico, and Malibu rum); Bloody Martini (Absolut peppar, Absolut citron, bloody-Mary mix); and Chocolate Orange (Smirnoff orange twist, Hiram Walker crème de cacao)? My personal advice: start your night at the bar with an appetizer and Andy’s Own (Belvedere vodka, Absolut citron, splash of cranberry juice), named after owner Andrew Pomper; enjoy an Anti-Freeze (Absolut vodka, Hiram Walker blue curaçao, Midori, pineapple juice) with dinner; and sit back with a Caramel Apple (Absolut vodka, Hiram Walker sour apple, Hiram Walker butterscotch schnapps) for dessert.
And, of course, take a taxi home.
Available for $6-$8 at the Coolidge Corner Clubhouse, 307A-309 Harvard Avenue, in Brookline. Call (617) 566-4948.