Maybe you’ve seen the ads on the sides of taxis around town touting a tempting vacation to Jamaica. But you don’t have to go very far to feast on the Jamaica, a chocolate-lover’s treat that’s one of the more popular items at Athan’s, the quaint European bakery in Brookline. The Jamaica, available in a refrigerated case along with elegant-looking éclairs and caramel-sauce-topped panna cotta, is a fist-size dark-chocolate-covered chocolate sponge cake, or génoise, in Euro-bakery parlance. Inside: two layers of cake and two layers of chocolate mousse. And, if that isn’t enough, the Jamaica is topped with a syrupy black cherry, sprinkled with crushed pistachios, and dabbed with delicate shavings of dark chocolate. Maybe it isn’t the same as a trip to the Caribbean, but this Jamaica tastes pretty darn good. Just remember to ask for a glass of milk. Available for $3.95 each at Athan’s Bakery, 1621 Beacon Street, in Brookline. Call (617) 734-7028.