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[Short Reviews]


The real-life exploits of the primarily gay and transgender volleyball team that won the 1996 Thai National Championship would seem to make for a heartfelt underdog story, but writer/director Yongyooth Thongkonthun serves it up as a tedious drag show. This is a garish, one-note spectacle that sacrifices character development for cheap laughs. Apart from Mon (Sahaparp Virakamintr), who’s been cut from teams because of his sexual preference, and Chai (a hunkish Jesdaporn Pholdee), the side’s one straight player, who sticks by the new coach’s decision to recruit the best talent (be it hetero, homo, or in between), there’s not a single participant who seems interested in the sport; they’re all worried about broken nails or running out of foundation. And Thongkonthun’s flaming gay stereotypes undermine all the platitudes about the evils of intolerance and prejudice. The shtick is cute for a while, but when it comes time to play the game, the essence of competition and camaraderie gets spiked.


Issue Date: December 6 - 13, 2001

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