As great moments in animation go, Beavis and Butthead’s first appearance in "Frog Baseball" may not stack up against the first Mickey Mouse talkie, "Steamboat Willie." But for those who don’t give a shit about some whistling rodent spinning a wheel, Spike & Mike’s Sick & Twisted Festival of Animation offers a tasteless alternative. Spike and Mike alum Mike Judge, creator of Beavis and Butthead, might have gone respectable in his Fox animated "hick-com" King of the Hill, but there are still plenty of degenerates with pen and ink to take his place. Among the 18 rehashed entries here are a few new gems that, though grossly un-PC, are a riot for those with little moral fiber.
The top new toons involve a vacuous nature boy, horny folk-metal kings, and suicidal crows. A&S Animation’s "Timmy’s Lessons in Nature" finds young Timmy pissing off lethal animals like a puerile Crocodile Hunter. Rock gods Tenacious D give Satan some advice on the softer side of coitus in the Spumco music video "Fuck Her Gently." And "Maakies," by Tony Millionaire, is like watching a Chuck Jones cartoon made in the midst of an æther binge. Spike and Mike is a festival of hit-and-miss cartoon raunch, but it’s a sight better than those Pokémon movies.