It never rains in Rain, first-time New Zealand director Christine Jeffs’s adaptation of the Kirsty Gunn novel, but there is a lot of pouring going on as Kate (Sarah Peirse) and Ed (Alistair Browning) party away their dissolving marriage while summering by the seaside in 1972. Occasionally mixing drinks but mostly neglected are their children, 13-year-old Janey (Alicia Fulford-Wierzbicki) and her younger brother, Jim (Aaron Murphy). Janey gets curious when her mom engages in a sloppy affair with a photographer passing through, and the teen’s indirect initiation into the world of sexuality and adult despair brings unwonted punishment. Jeffs builds a wispy atmosphere of dread and nascent revelation and then, for better or worse, justifies it. Although the film captures the fragile boundary between innocence and transgression — in the adult as well as the adolescent characters — its melodramatic resolution seems to be more of the same old punishment for female sexual assertion we’ve seen so often before.
Issue Date: May 23 - 30, 2002
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