Ready for Columbine to explode in your face? Ben Coccio’s film is a potent, unsentimentalized fictional imagining of what led up to, and what happened, on that kamikaze day of random murder. The audience is a captive witness to a year of homicidal planning, cooped up with Calvin (Calvin Robertson) and Andre (Andre Keuck), creepy high-school lads with a fetishized love for weaponry, a warped romantic belief that they are high-school samurai, and an essentially American obsession with having their saga of death live on for the media: they tape everything so it can be turned over, ideally to Wolf Blitzer at CNN. Zero Day is shot low-res-and-improv-Blair-Witch-style on DV, and the two unknown leads are charismatic in a sick, nasty kind of way. Not for everybody, this low-rent Taxi Driver–meets–Compulsion nonetheless deserves a niche audience. (92 minutes) At the Copley Place and the Coolidge Corner.