Mark Neale’s documentary about international motorcycle racing opens with narrator Ewan McGregor asking why people would subject themselves to such danger. Good question; unfortunately, no answer is forthcoming. Most racers (interviewed, for some reason, while sitting in cars) offer the same old platitudes about craving the thrill and loving the glory. Thrills and glory don’t seem that important, though, when the price is having your legs fused to save one of them from amputation, as is the case with one accident victim. Faster will make you cringe; you’ll even wince when the racers lean into a turn and scrape their legs along the asphalt. The racing makes up most of the film, and for those who aren’t hardcore fans, it wears thin. As for Neale’s attempt to establish a rivalry by taking a possibly deliberate elbow thrown by an Italian racer that knocked out another Italian racer and reviewing it more times than Jim Garrison reviewed the Zapruder tape, it wears thin, well, faster. (103 minutes)