Cryptic title aside, James Redford’s directing debut spins a straightforward if over-earnest coming-of-age tale of "half-breed orphan" Eddie Haley (newcomer Ryan Merriman, holding his own among seasoned pros) as it weaves together themes of fractured families and subtle racism in the 1950s Southwest while using flight as its main narrative thread. Shortly after the parents of young Eddie (Max Madore) pilot a plane into an Arizona mountainside, his Uncle Frank (Stanley Tucci) decides he’s not the parenting type and leaves Eddie in the loving care of the family ranch manager and his wife (Rubén Blades and Dana Delany). Ten years later, Frank returns to teach the family art of flying to Eddie, who’s now in love with Francesca (Paula Garcés) and mired in the obligatory rebellious streak. A series of personal tragedies leads to a new-found maturity as Eddie finds his literal and metaphorical wings. Spin never soars, but the fine performances and the good use of a modest budget (as attested by the expansive flying scenes) make it more than just a film by "Robert Redford’s son." (107 minutes)