119 MINUTES If you know the Quixotic journey the visionary behind Brazil embarks upon to produce a film, it’s painful to realize that Terry Gilliam gave his all to this project. Given its checklist of bullet points culled from the fairy tales of Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm, you can understand what drew him to the material, but Ehren Kruger’s plodding screenplay provides him with little to hang his expectedly gorgeous visuals on. Borrowing a page from Scooby-Doo, Will (Matt Damon (uncharacteristically acting) and Jake (Heath Ledger) traverse "French-occupied Germany," exorcising demons from the terrified locals. Correctly sensing a scam, the quiche-loving General Delatombe (Jonathan Pryce, energizing his too few scenes) forces them to confront the seductive Mirror Queen (Monica Bellucci), a true horror, or face death. Lena Headey adds fire as a love interest, but after a seven-year wait, Gilliam fans are in for Grimm disappointment.