85 MINUTES | MFA Having already imported our fast food, the Brits have increasingly appropriated American advertising themes and aesthetics as well. This latest program showcases what they’ve always done better than us: provocative PSAs. Drunk driving is the latest demon: several ads portray people in nondriving scenarios whose bodies suddenly crumple as if in a severe crash, ramming home the message that "drink drivers" kill faster than anyone thinks. Another shows party girls advancing on one of their own as the voice-over proclaims, "Letting one of your friends take an unlicensed minicab is helping a rapist." Even ordinary product ads have a PSA-like air to them, such as the sunblock ad that features scantily clad models whose perfect skin erupts in wrinkles and liver spots. As with American ads, these commercials feature cinematic narratives and digital effects. But viewers may well long for the days when feat-of-clay Creature Comforts ruled the roost.