Mac McCaughan
When they started Merge a decade and a half ago, Mac and Laura from Superchunk were looking to release their own recordings and a few things by friends. As last year’s Old Enough 2 Know Better: 15 Years of Merge Records three-disc comp proved, it’s turned into a much bigger operation. Here are three freebies from their Web site. PORTASTATIC "I WANNA KNOW GIRLS" Merge Back when lo-fi was in, Portastatic was just a vehicle for Mac McCaughan’s stripped-down demos. This cut, from the new Bright Ideas, is a full-band, pro-studio affair replete with ringing guitar hooks, vocal harmonies, and a nice drum breakdown. TENEMENT HALLS "STARLESS NIGHTS" Merge Remember the Rock*A*Teens? Well, singer Chris Lopez is back as Tenement Halls and a new disc, Knitting Needles & Bicycle Bells, is full of imagistic lyrics and interesting instrumental touches like the banjo that mixes in with the organ and guitars on this track. THE ARCADE FIRE "WAKE UP" Merge The Arcade Fire have a new single and a new EP coming soon from Merge. In the meantime, here’s a reason to seek them out: "Wake Up," from Funeral, with its yearning vocals, psychedelic backdrop, and pleas to the kids of today.