Custom’s moody but pop-smart mix of hip-hop, new metal, and melody is one of the cooler sounds on radio now, thanks to the single "Hey Mister," an ode to sexual coming-of-age that slithers between hooks and roar. Throughout this disc, acoustic guitars and rocked turntables share space with burbling phase-shifted six-strings and blunt maximized Marshall crunch, but it all gives way to the smooth voice of Custom — who’s a guy, not a band. Notwithstanding the sonic joyrides of cuts like the crooned break-up ballad "May 26" and the Trent Reznor–like pain fantasy "Crawl," it’s worth contemplating just how much of an asshole this guy may be. There’s the "Hey mister/I really like your daughter/I’d like to eat her like ice cream/Dip her in chocolate" of "Hey Mister," and the frat-boy homily "There’s no piece of ass worth a friendship" in "Morning Spank." But there’s also the loving sonic temple called "Like You" that he builds for a woman he sees waiting for a bus. Only Custom knows where the lines separating pig, provocateur, and poser lie, but his keen musical sensibility is in full view.
Issue Date: April 18 - 25, 2002
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