This heavy-metal supergroup — featuring members of Faith No More, Mr. Bungle, and Tomahawk (and that’s just frontman Mike Patton!) — have long bent their noisy yet carefully calibrated music toward the trappings of respectable art: their 2001 disc The Director’s Cut offered up alternate soundtracks for such film-school staples as The Godfather and Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, and 2002’s joint effort with the Melvins found Patton injecting shots of downtown skronk into head Melvin Buzz Osbourne’s proudly lowbrow sludge rock. The fourth Fantômas CD is no exception, since it consists of a single 74-minute composition whose final 20 minutes will sound like silence to listeners not in the habit of playing the run-out grooves on LPs for fun on Friday nights. The remaining 54 minutes do offer thrills for the non-bespectacled rock fan: tinkly horror-film pianos, Wizard of Oz tornado whooshes, downtuned guitar riffs, the occasional blast of coruscating bass bluster, and, as always, Patton’s demented, decidedly non-verbal howling. But the album’s pleasures can sometimes seem as distant for that rock fan as the end of a four-hour Italian opera. (Fantômas appear this Tuesday, April 6, at Axis, 13 Lansdowne Street in Boston; call 617-262-2437.)