Eyes like Knives
After nearly four years and two limited-run EPs — one self-released, one on Chicago’s Secret Fire Records — Boston’s Eyes like Knives are finally releasing a bona fide full-length album on the local Dopamine label. The band’s nomination for a Boston Music Award this year (Best New Local Act) may come as a surprise given that Slow Distractions is just coming out now, but not to anyone who’s caught their arresting live show, a dynamic sonic assault that on disc has been digitally distilled with the help of Matt Squire at Camp Street Studios, the former home of Cambridge’s storied Fort Apache. The result captures the foursome’s blend of Sonic Youth noise implosions, propulsive minor-key riffing, and reverb-heavy, delay-drenched ambiance. The Pixies are a clear influence as Rebekka Takamizu plays Kim Deal to Scott Toomey’s Black Francis, quietly cooing over Toomey’s vocals and occasionally singing lead. Throughout, the vocals get drowned out by the guitars, but that’s understandable: the vocal lines can seem flat next to the Joey Santiago–style dissonant guitar lines and squealing bends riddled with major sevenths. The only slow distractions here are the three meandering instrumental interludes. (Eyes like Knives celebrate the release of Slow Distractions this Saturday, September 25, upstairs at the Middle East, 472 Massachusetts Avenue in Central Square; call 617-864-EAST.)