(Jade Tree)
The Delaware-based indie label Jade Tree has been neck-and-neck with Deep Elm to see who could corner the market on emo. But just as the label seemed in danger of being overrun by emotionally vulnerable boy bands, they delivered a six-song EP by Despistado, a new foursome from Regina, Saskatchewan. This is a band who revitalize their punk roots with bright, angular melodies and deft rhythmic breakdowns à la Fugazi, whose fervency is echoed in the opening track of The Emergency Response, "A Stirsticks Prediction." And though the song title "Can I Please Have an Order of Girl with a Side of Confused" is almost too cute for comfort, the band’s edgy melodic sensibility and predilection for raw guitars overshadow any mushy sentiments. Better yet, the fluid guitar riff and the rolling drums on "Bubbles" suggest something along the lines of calypso with bite. All of which adds up to a promising start for this Canadian band. (Despistado play upstairs at the Middle East, 472 Massachusetts Avenue in Central Square, as part of the "Radio Takeover Tour" this Saturday, December 18; call 617-864-EAST.)