They’re still from Waltham. They still sing about girls. In fact, many of these numbers are the same songs about the same girls. Eight of the dozen tracks on Waltham’s homonymous third album are retooled versions of songs that appeared on 2001’s The First Album or 2003’s Permission To Build. But blue-collar Romeos singing arena-rock homages to Fast Times at Ridgemont High never get old. And here the soaring melodies are tighter, the power chords crunchier, the romantic pleas more impassioned. Chicks dig it. There’s "Cheryl," the girl whom lead singer Frank Pino, buzzed on Tequila, wants to drive away with and rescue from a creep ex-boyfriend. There’s "Maria Simeone," the one he really wants, as in "that sappy-song way." "Nicole" has waited, and tonight’s the night. "Joanne" is a new one — maybe the one. And lest you think these are all just the lovelorn fantasies of some deluded suburban dude, check the ladies who scream and rend their garments on the bonus live DVD. Waltham + Seemless + No Allegiance + the Andwutz + Graveyard Barbecue | Paradise, 967 Comm Ave, Boston | July 30 | 617.423.NEXT