Banging tracks make for banging tracks, but mixes need more. Cologne DJ/producer Superpitcher has all-star gas on Today — everything from Lawrence’s lock-your-belt ambo-click jam "Spark" to the Wighnomy Bros’ raven microgoth track "Wurz + Blosse" to the balls-out electrohouse of a remix of Psychonauts’ "World Keeps Turning" complete with creepy Euro vocals. But he also knows a good build, and he loves his own tracks, too. Like label mate Michael Mayer in his remix of his own "Fabric 13," Superpitcher lets each of his tracks play to the final groove, some of which push past the seven-minute mark. So though the songs accumulate nicely on a grand level, they also benefit from the natural intra-track expansions he’d already built in. Somehow the second half’s even more generous. Nathan Fake’s lilt bounce "Dinamo" deflates the Psychonauts’ junky bravado, and the mix begins anew. There’s a surprise at the end, too; I won’t spoil it, but man, the French kill me sometimes.