ZUCO 103
Listening to Whaa! in early September, I found it hard not to be a little frustrated with Zuco 103 and Six Degrees. Why would this Netherlands-based band trot out an album full of hot Brazilian melodies when, to borrow a phrase, all the leaves are brown and the sky is gray? The electro-groove of " Duele Le Le " could’ve been the sunroof-open, legs-out-the-window soundtrack to everybody’s July; instead, it’ll be relegated to background fodder for midwinter Starbucks runs. Lilian Viera is a straight-up chanteuse in an age when there are a lot of half-steppin’ divas around. In fact, the album is so dependent on her vocals that the half-baked collab tracks with dancehall legend Lee " Scratch " Perry seem more disruptive than exciting. Those two duds aside, Whaa! is completely worthwhile — if out-of-season.