You might think Arlington-raised Dane Cook’s male fantasies about monkey ownership and oral sex, and his stories about his itchy asshole, might keep listeners at bay, yet this two-CD/one-DVD set debuted at #4 on Billboard’s pop chart and in less than a month nudged aside Steve Martin’s 27-year-old record for best-selling comedy album. It’s not just that Cook’s often howlingly funny or that he’s one of the most obsessive workers in contemporary comedy. It’s his upbeat, modern-reg’lar-guy delivery, which makes him sound engaged and friendly, so he can get away with just about anything, from confessing his desire to witness a pedestrian being run down to flipping cashews into his mouth from the end of his erection. Cook covers all his audience favorites in the 29 bits on the two stand-up discs. The DVD is a collection of his TV work, including his unedited rap from the Denis Leary roast, shorts from the evil puppet show Crank Yankers and the animated Shorties Watching Shorties (including the monkey fantasy), and a hilariously juvenile teaser from the in-the-works Tourgasm documentary.