Phoenix Gay Marriage Coverage
A more perfect union
Forget Will & Grace: The great same-sex-marriage debate underscores how much civil progress has lagged behind cultural acceptance
from June 7, 2001
Official notice
Gay unions and the wedding pages
from May 31, 2001
Campaign 2002
GLAD files gay-marriage lawsuit
from April 11, 2001
Gay bashing, Vermont style
Despite Governor Howard Dean's surprise victory, Vermont voters did uncivil things to the legislators who approved civil unions
from November 9 2000
Social experiment
Vermont really is different from the rest of the country. And that's why we aren't going to see gay marriage -- or its facsimile -- in any other state for years to come.
from April 27, 2000
Urban flight
Gay moms and dads are making their homes in the burbs for - what else? - better schools
Sidebar: Family planning
April 1, 1997