Word to media consultant Ken Swope: yo, Ken! When you send an off-the-record email to a reporter, make sure you don’t accidentally post it to a public Web site instead. Because that’s what you did on February 1, Buddy, when you dropped a note to Boston Herald columnist Wayne Woodlief — and didn’t send it to his private inbox, but uploaded it to a discussion board on BostonHerald.com.
“YOWAYNE!” the Swopegram begins. “It’s me, Swope, your favorite media flak! I just discovered ‘Talkback.’ You’re in for it now, Buddy. A couple of small (maybe big) off-the-record observations re your 1/30 education piece: MCAS is not a ‘target for repeal’ in a tv ad campaign by the MTA [the Massachusetts Teachers Association, a Swope client], as Cellucci may have spun at you. What IS the target for repeal is the MCAS graduation requirement. And only that.”
Well, thanks for sharing, Ken! Anything else? Actually, plenty — although Swope, professional that he is, doesn’t offer up anything too embarrassing. Yes, he continues whacking Paul Cellucci (“The Guv owes you an apology for overspinning”), but hey, that’s his job.
Mainly Swope offers his own spin on where the teachers’ union stands on MCAS, and suggests some really neat people for Woodlief to interview. Such as MTA communications director Andy Linebaugh (“He’s good people and he’ll be straight with you”). Or the union’s executive director, Ed Sullivan (“Bring lots of writing paper and a pen refill”). Swope adds, “I am not authorized to go on-the-record as a source for MTA, so please don’t quote me as anything other than a ‘reliable source.’ But these two guys are both very quotable, very good on-the-record sources.”
They’re also ever so much easier to work with than politicians, Swope adds, saying, “I like working for teachers’ unions: good, dedicated people, important issues, more money for production, and less pressure than candidates.” In fact, Swope says he’s hoping to sign up teachers’ unions “around the country.”
Better work on those e-mail skills first. Buddy.