To submit a listing:
Bring the listing or send it to Listings, Boston Phoenix, 126 Brookline Ave., Boston 02215, at least eight days before the issue in which it would appear. Listings can also be faxed to 859-8201. We can't take any listings over the phone.
There is no charge, but your copy may be rewritten due to space limitations. Include the time of the event (or the hours that a gallery or museum is open to the public), date, place, a description of the event, how much it costs, and a phone number than can be published. Specify whether admission is free; listings will not be published without price information. If the information is for an event or exhibit lasting more than one week, specify the dates of the issues in which you would like the listing to appear. Repeat listings may be deleted due to space limitations.
Theater listings are separate; send them by 2 p.m. on Thursday to "Play by Play". Auditions, classes, religious services, reunions, and events requiring advance registration are not listed here: Call Phoenix Classifieds at 859-3300 to take out an ad. Unsolicited photographs are considered for publication but are not returned to senders.
NOTE: ABSOLUTE LISTINGS DEADLINE IS WEDNESDAY AT 5 P.M. FOR THE FOLLOWING WEEK'S ISSUE. To be considered for "Hot Tix," the deadline is a week earlier; to be considered for "Next Weekend," two weeks earlier.