SKI GUIDE 2001-2002
Rte. 7, New Ashford, (413) 443-4752.
Also see downhill listing.
Trails: 25 km of maintained trails (16 ft. wide).
Hours: weekends from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Rates: trail fee, $25, $20 for juniors and seniors (half-day, $20 and $15). Rentals (including trail fee), $24, $19 for children (half-day, $20 and $15). Instruction, $20 for group lessons, $50 for private ($15 for each additional person). Individual and family season passes available.
Lodging: on mountain and nearby; winter campgrounds available.
Email: brodie@vgernet.net
URL: www.skibrodie.com
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