SKI GUIDE 2001-2002
Rte. 16, Intervale, (603) 356-9920, (800) 282-5220 for lodging information.
Trail system: 65 km total, groomed as weather permits.
Hours: daily from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Rates: trail fees, weekend and holidays, $9, $6 for children age six through 12 and seniors ages 60
through 70; children under six and seniors over 70 ski free; weekdays, $7 and $4. Group rates available.
Rentals, $12, $8 for children under 12 and for seniors, additional days are half-price. Instruction, $12
for group lessons, $20 for semi-private, and $25 for private. Season passes available.
Lodging: nearby, call (800) 282-5220.
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