SKI GUIDE 2001-2002
Rte. 302, Bartlett, (603) 374-2277, (800) 367-3364 for lodging information.
Trails: more than 70 km of trails, with everything skate groomed and tracked; unlimited backcountry.
Hours: daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Rates: trail fees, weekdays, $7, $4 for juniors and seniors; weekends, $10 and $6. Children under 7 and
seniors over 70 ski free. Rentals, $10 and up; snowshoes, $10. Daily learn-to-ski packages, weekdays,
$27; weekends, $30. Instruction, $12 for group lessons, $15 for semi-private, $30 for private.
Events: guided nature tours available day and night; call for more information.
URL: www.bearnotchski.com
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