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AFTER RALPH NADER announced he was running for president as an independent last month, Democrats braced themselves for a repeat of 2000, when the third-party 300-pound gorilla helped tilt the election in favor of George W. Bush. Judging from a recent Associated Press presidential poll in which six percent of registered voters said they support Nader, it’s an all-too-plausible scenario (see "Who Likes Ralph?", next page). But while Nader’s threat to John Kerry has gotten plenty of ink, less noticed is the fact that Nader — who put the Green Party on the political map in 2000 — could seriously damage the Greens in 2004. His previous candidacy gave the Greens ballot status for the first time in seven states (Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Rhode Island, and Utah) and boosted Green registration nationwide. This time, the picture is bleaker. With his latest run, Nader — detested by many as the third-party spoiler of 2000 — makes it harder for Green candidates to woo prospective voters. And by refusing to say whether he’ll take the Green nomination if it’s offered, he has muddied the Green presidential-candidate-selection process as well. If Nader continues his run as an independent, moreover, he’ll compete with the Green nominee for volunteers and votes — which could pull the Green candidate below the thresholds required for ballot status in various states and make it harder for the party to add members and run candidates in 2006. Most worrisome to Greens, Nader’s candidacy could drive a wedge between the national and state Green parties. "Here’s Ralph Nader, who committed to growing the Green Party," says one prominent Green, who requested anonymity. "And in the end, he could be responsible for tearing it apart." RALPH NADER made the Massachusetts Green-Rainbow Party what it is today. By pulling in about 6.5 percent of the state’s presidential vote four years ago, he lifted the Green-Rainbows to ballot status for the first time. (In Massachusetts, parties can accomplish this by obtaining at least three percent of the vote in a statewide election; the Green-Rainbows retained their status in 2002, when Green candidates James O’Keefe and Jill Stein won eight and three percent in the treasurer’s and governor’s races, respectively.) Anyone registering to vote in Massachusetts now has the option of checking a Green-Rainbow box, which is a big reason Green-Rainbow registration has mushroomed from about 3000 to over 11,000 in just four years. Ballot status also allows the Greens to hold primary elections. And it makes it far easier for the party to run candidates for statewide or national office. To get their presidential candidate on the ballot this year, Green-Rainbow officials simply need to tell the state who their nominee is; without ballot status, they’d have to gather 10,000 signatures. But as Green-Rainbow candidates try to get their views on universal health care, fair taxation, electoral reform, and environmental justice out to the public, they’re encountering the dark side of Nader’s legacy. "Greens really depend on progressive Democrats, and progressive Democrats tend to go bananas at Nader’s running," says one candidate, who asked to remain anonymous. "Then it becomes impossible to change the subject and get down to talking about real issues. We cannot get past the spoiler discussion." Many Greens knew this was coming. That’s why, for the last several months, a debate stemming from the 2000 presidential election raged among the nation’s Green activists. Some thought the party shouldn’t run a presidential candidate in 2004: the Bush administration is intolerable, they argued, and Greens can’t afford to run a candidate who helps re-elect Bush or is perceived as making a Bush victory possible. Another contingent advocated a "smart state" or "strategic state" plan, with the Green nominee running hard in solid Red and Blue states but not campaigning, or making only a token effort, in battleground states like Florida. A third group insisted that Democrats are no better than Republicans — look at Democratic support for the Patriot Act and the Iraq war, they argued — and that there is no reason not to go all-out. Nader, of course, hews most closely to the third position. But even Greens who thought otherwise agreed that, before Nader opted to leave the Green fold, the party’s nomination was his for the taking. "I told him — and many other people told him the same thing — if you want the nomination, you’re going to get it," says John Rensenbrink, a political-science professor at Bowdoin College and a seminal figure in the American Green movement. So far, however, Nader seems not to want it. Last December, he informed the Green Party of the United States (USGP) that he would not seek the Green nomination. Then, in a February 22 appearance on Meet the Press, he announced his independent candidacy. During a speaking engagement at the National Press Club the next day, Nader praised the Green platform but said internal Green debates over whether and how to run a presidential candidate, which won’t be resolved until the national party’s June convention, had forced his hand. "We have to pursue an independent course of action," he declared. With Nader conspicuously absent, the Green presidential field stands at seven active candidates. At this point, Peter Camejo and David Cobb, the top-two vote-getters in the Green primaries to date, look like the front-runners. Camejo is a veteran activist who ran for president as a socialist in 1976 and won five percent of the vote in California’s 2002 gubernatorial election; Cobb, an attorney and former general counsel for the USGP, managed Nader’s 2000 campaign in Texas and garnered about one percent of the vote in his own run for Texas attorney general in 2002. Each is a charismatic, articulate figure capable of forcefully arguing against the political status quo and in favor of the Greens’ vision of political and social transformation, and each appears to be a good bet for the party come November. But there’s a catch. Cobb, who favors a strategic-state approach, wants the Green nomination. Camejo doesn’t. In fact, Camejo has publicly stated that he will not accept the nomination and describes a vote for him as a vote for the "pro-Nader" position; apparently, Camejo plans to use his convention delegates to convince the party to support Nader. That’s why, in a February 17 interview with FOX News, Camejo suggested that whatever primary success he enjoyed might prompt the Greens, without actually nominating Nader, to issue a formal declaration of support for his candidacy at the national convention. "I personally talk to Ralph Nader, and I am sure ... Ralph would be very happy to have the Green Party endorse him," he said. On March 2, Camejo won the Green primary in California — which controls 132 of the Greens’ 836 national delegates — in a landslide, getting 75 percent of the vote to Cobb’s 12 percent. Ultimately, Camejo says, the California primary doubled as a referendum on how the Green nominee, or whomever the Greens back, should run this year. "It does say California spoke out more in favor of the hard line," he asserts. Unlike Camejo, who believes Nader is committed to running as an independent, some Greens still hope their former candidate will return to the party’s fold. Why the lingering optimism? Nader has presented his split from the Greens as a matter of pragmatism rather than principle. He’s also reiterated that he wants Green support as his campaign moves forward. Furthermore, Nader’s goal of getting on every state’s presidential ballot would be far easier to attain if he were the Green nominee. To get on 50 state ballots as an independent, Nader will have to gather approximately 620,000 signatures, according to Ballot Access News editor Richard Winger. The Greens, however, already have presidential ballot lines in 23 states. If Nader were to accept the Green nomination, they’d be his — and he could spend less time getting on ballots and more time getting his message out. Most tantalizing, perhaps, is that the USGP officials who have been contacting the Nader camp to see if the candidate might change his mind haven’t yet received a firm answer. "They are playing their cards really close to the chest," says USGP political director Brent McMillan. If Nader does decide to go Green, he’ll have the support of a majority of the party’s presidential field. Most of Camejo’s delegates would probably back Nader as a late entry. And three other candidates — Lorna Salzman, Carol Miller, and Paul Glover — are also regarded as stand-ins for Nader. His intentions may be clarified when his campaign releases an open letter to the Greens, which has been in the works for weeks. But it’s unlikely he will make a firm commitment. For now, Nader spokesman Kevin Zeese asserts that a Green candidacy would make it harder for Nader to attract the independent voters who make up about one-third of the American electorate. "By staying independent, he can pull together a coalition that brings all the third parties and independents together into a real force that could challenge the Republican and Democratic duopoly," Zeese said. (Nader and his campaign manager, Theresa Amato, did not respond to requests for an interview.) page 1 page 2 |
Issue Date: March 12 - 18, 2004 Back to the News & Features table of contents |
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