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Friday, March 07, 2003

Bush and the Big Guy, cont'd. Suddenly, the Bush-and-God punditry is coming fast and furious. Two more contributions:

1. Michelle Cottle, writing on the New Republic's website (this piece seems to be available to everyone, not just subscribers), notes: "Even for those who accept the basic premise of a proactive Almighty Father, it's probably unsettling to think that W. is charging into battle with the blind confidence that God will of course help him emerge victorious -- just like he helped Bush kick the hooch and become a better father."

2. I'm a little behind the curve on this one, but University of Virginia political scientist James Ceasar, writing in last week's Weekly Standard, observes approvingly that Bush is something of a throwback to Lincoln, who invoked the "providence of God" in his second inaugural address.

posted at 9:11 PM | link

Flat and flat-footed. So how did George W. Bush do at his televised news conference last night? To this consumer (after all, the president was selling, hoping we'll buy; we're all consumers now, citizenship being so 20th-century), he was okay, sort of, neither soaring to the heights nor making a blithering idiot of himself.

On WBUR Radio (90.9 FM), I heard the Atlantic Monthly's Jack Beatty tell the On Point audience that Bush had "fallen below the moment" -- I think that was his phrase, though I was in my car and not taking notes -- persuading absolutely no one who has not yet been persuaded, especially among the European allies. Beatty was right.

A few random observations.

-- About 20 minutes into it, I was bored and distracted, and felt guilty for not focusing more closely on what was, after all, a momentous discussion of war and peace. So I was relieved to read Tom Shales in this morning's Washington Post, who asked -- under the headline "Bush's Wake-Up Call Was a Snooze Alarm" -- "Have ever a people been led more listlessly into war?" In the New York Times, Elisabeth Bumiller pussyfooted around the same topic, calling Bush's demeanor "extraordinarily tranquil." So it wasn't just me.

-- Even conservative commentator David Brooks, a cofounder (with Weekly Standard editor William Kristol) of the John McCain-inspired "national greatness" school of conservatism, is worried about how "bold" Bush's go-it-alone approach is. In a piece for the Standard's website, Brooks writes:

Maybe Bush thinks that by essentially threatening the diplomatic equivalent of the doomsday scenario, he can induce Russia, China, and France to abstain, rather than veto the resolution. But it is an incredible gamble. It certainly does nothing to help Tony Blair, who has been trying to somehow finesse things at the United Nations.

-- In Slate, William Saletan observes that in trading Bill Clinton for Bush, we traded ambiguity for certainty -- something that sounds good in the abstract, but that doesn't always play well in the real world. Saletan observes:

[S]ometimes, things aren't black and white. Sometimes they're gray. When the governments of France, China, or Mexico don't see things your way, you have to start the process of persuasion by understanding where they're coming from. That's where Clinton was at his best and Bush is at his worst. Four times at his press conference, Bush was asked why other countries weren't seeing things our way. Four times, he had no idea.

-- In the Boston Globe, John Aloysius Farrell took note of Bush's frequent references to 9/11. Indeed, Bush intoned "September eleventh, two thousand and one" so many times last night that it began to take on the aspect of a chant. But it came across as either disingenuous (polls show that an enormous percentage of Americans believe -- wrongly -- that there is evidence showing Iraq was involved in 9/11) or desperate, with the president hoping that the memory of that horror will impel Americans to give him a free pass to do whatever he wants to dislodge Saddam Hussein.

This was only Bush's second prime-time news conference since assuming office more than two years ago. If last night was any indication, we haven't been missing much.

posted at 8:07 AM | link

Your Shribman fix. Former Boston Globe Washington-bureau chief David Shribman, now the top editor of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, is writing a political column called "My Point." This week, he made it to his old stomping grounds in New Hampshire in order to size up the Democratic field. He writes:

The size of the field may present the Democrats with difficulty, but it also stands as a symbol of their opportunity: Many Democrats believe that the president is vulnerable and that, as [John] Kerry put it in a conversation the other day, "suddenly this is a nomination worth having."

Click here if you thought Shribman's Tuesday column was one of the best things in the Globe.

posted at 8:06 AM | link

Thursday, March 06, 2003

More on Bush and religion. It won't be online for a few weeks, if ever. But National Review's Richard Brookhiser offers a worthwhile discussion of George W. Bush's religious views in the April issue of the Atlantic Monthly. Bush's relationship with "Providence," as Brookhiser puts it -- even as he notes that Bush himself would probably regard that as "too indefinite a word, smacking of the gentlemanly theological evasions of the Anglo-American Enlightenment" -- is laid out in a short section of Brookhiser's long and exceedingly kind analysis of the president's leadership skills.

Similar to Howard Fineman and Martin Marty in the current Newsweek, Brookhiser finds Bush's religiosity to be both a source of strength and a potential danger, although Brookhiser himself does not use that word. He writes:

Practically, Bush's faith means that he does not tolerate, or even recognize, ambiguity: there is an all-knowing God who decrees certain behaviors, and leaders must obey.

If I say I find that frightening, does that make me a bigot?

By the way, Brookhiser offers the additional insight that Bush's beliefs help explain his close relationship with Tony Blair, a "devout Anglican." Maybe I should have known that, but I didn't.

posted at 7:50 AM | link

Media Channel, over and out? The Media Channel, "News Dissector" Danny Schechter's three year old international media-watch website, has gone on a "temporary hiatus" after running into a funding crisis. I write about the project's money problems, as well as Schechter's hopes of resolving the current difficulties, in this week's Phoenix.

posted at 7:50 AM | link

Up in smoke. UMass Boston has suspended Michael Rhys, editor-in-chief of the Mass Media, the student newspaper, on a pot-smoking allegation. Needless to say, this is idiotic, but typical of the puritanical atmosphere that prevails in college campuses today.

The Mass Media's report on the suspension makes a compelling case that the administration doesn't even have any authority over the paper. But that didn't stop the just-say-no crowd from making an example out of Rhys.

Needless to say, Rhys's one-month suspension is a far heavier punishment than anything UMass president Bill Bulger received when he refused to testify before a congressional committee last year. On that occasion, the university board all but nominated him for a Nobel Prize.

posted at 7:49 AM | link

Erin not go Kerry. Not sure what to make about this front-page Boston Globe story, by Frank Phillips and Brian Mooney, suggesting that John Kerry has gone out of his way to obfuscate his non-Irish roots. But my guess is that, though this is surely an interesting wrinkle, it will be treated far more seriously than it deserves to be. Also in today's Globe, Alex Beam catches up with Kerry's ex-wife, Julia Thorne. Gee, isn't Kerry talking about, you know, issues and stuff?

posted at 7:49 AM | link

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

No more Mr. Nice Guy. This Dallas Observer interview with Texas Rangers outfielder Carl Everett is unbelievable. Except that Red Sox fans will believe it. Wow.

posted at 3:41 PM | link

Good lord. Newsweek's Howard Fineman has a detailed, insightful, and respectful piece this week on George W. Bush's deep religious beliefs, which inform everything from his domestic agenda to his views on the war against terrorism. The article's value is that it explains the roots of Bush's spiritual fervor, but it also delves into a deeper concern: that Bush's particular brand of religiosity does not lend itself particularly well to debate or even to agonized reflection. Fineman writes:

The president is known to welcome questions about faith that staffers sometimes have the nerve to share with him. But he's not the kind to initiate granular debates about theology. Would Iraq be a "just war" in Christian terms, as laid out by Augustine in the fourth century and amplified by Aquinas, Luther and others? Bush has satisfied himself that it would be -- indeed, it seems he did so many months ago. But he didn't do it by combing through texts or presiding over a disputation. He decided that Saddam was evil, and everything flowed from that.

An accompanying piece by the liberal theologian Martin Marty is bluntly titled "The Sin of Pride." Marty worries that a president who believes that God's on his side may lack the judgment and humility to take into account the concerns of others -- especially in the crisis over Iraq.

Despite Bush's frequent references to Islam as a "religion of peace," Marty notes that Bush's one-time reference to the war against terrorism as a "crusade" has not been forgotten in the Muslim world. The support Bush receives from evangelical Christians who denounce Islam -- such as the preacher Franklin Graham, for instance -- hasn't been overlooked, either.

Marty writes:

After September 11 and the president's decision to attack Iraq, the talk that other nations found mildly amusing or merely arrogant has taken on international and historical significance. It rouses many Americans to an uncertain cause and raises antagonism among millions elsewhere. Few doubt that Bush is sincere in his faith, a worthy virtue when he alone must decide whether to lead 270 million people into war, possibly killing thousands of others. The problem isn't with Bush's sincerity, but with his evident conviction that he's doing God's will.

For millions of Americans, of course, Bush's brand of Christianity is the best thing about him. Expressing any doubts about his religion is dangerous, since it's sure to raise cries of religious bigotry. Newsweek deserves credit for asking some tough questions about how religion and government may be intersecting in ways that we will later come to regret.

posted at 8:01 AM | link

A crisis of credibility. As he usually does, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman gets it exactly right today. Despite being generally supportive of a strike against Iraq, Friedman observes that George W. Bush has placed the country in a painful dilemma: to back down now without forcing out Saddam Hussein would be a huge blow to US credibility. Yet, of course, it is Bush himself who placed us in that position in the first place. Writes Friedman:

For Mr. Bush and for the U.S., the costs of leaving Saddam in place -- having made Washington blink and abandon its allies in the region -- would be enormous. I suspect that when the small group of war hawks persuaded Mr. Bush to begin a huge troop buildup in the gulf back in July -- without consulting Congress or the country -- they knew that it would create a situation where the U.S. could never back down without huge costs.

Of course, the counterargument is that forcing Bush to back down would not damage US credibility -- rather, it would damage his credibility.

A military strike against Iraq may yet prove necessary, provided Bush can line up a respectable cross-section of international support. But it's hard not resent his strategy of treating the American public with the same level of contempt and disrespect that he normally reserves for, say, the Turkish parliament.

posted at 8:01 AM | link

A blow to Bulger. UMass president Bill Bulger's ace-in-the-hole has been that he's resented not for anything he's done personally but, rather, for the fact that his brother is a vicious killer. Nearly everyone has given Bulger high marks for the way he's run UMass, if not for the $309,000 salary that he pays himself.

Thus Governor Mitt Romney's bid to do away with Bulger's job got a big boost this morning when Boston Herald columnist Cosmo Macero reported on a conflict of interest involving an energy company on whose board Bulger sits that is "competing" for a big-bucks contract at UMass Lowell. Good stuff.

posted at 8:01 AM | link

Shading the truth, and then some. It is a mystery why Governor Mitt Romney's sterling character is continually cited as one of his principal attributes. No doubt he's nice to his family, but even by political standards his rhetoric is disingenuous. From his state of residency to the state of his Medicaid proposal, from the harshness of his budget cuts to the breadth of his tax -- whoops, fee -- hikes, Romney's instinct is always to fudge, obfuscate, and sometimes tell what might be charitably called alternative versions of the truth.

Today, the Boston Globe's Scot Lehigh and the Boston Herald's Tom Keane both nail him for it. Romney should be careful: neither Lehigh nor Keane could be described as being among the usual anti-Romney suspects.

posted at 8:00 AM | link

Tuesday, March 04, 2003

An ugly battle over gay rights. It's barely registered on the media radar screen in Boston -- I learned about it via a squib in this morning's Globe -- but New Hampshire is in the midst of a huge political battle over gay rights. The state's new Republican governor, Craig Benson, has nominated to the Human Rights Commission a reactionary former state legislator who has made hostility to lesbians and gay men a cornerstone of his public persona.

This is a double tragedy, not just because of the specific ugliness of the situation, but because as recently as the late 1990s it seemed that New Hampshire was, at long last, leaving behind its dubious past -- a legacy that includes being the last state in the country to approve a holiday celebrating the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday (see timeline that accompanies this article).

The current controversy involves a former Republican state representative named Gary Daniels, who in 1997 was a vocal opponent of a law banning discrimination against gays and lesbians -- the very law Benson now wants him to help enforce. Here's what Daniels reportedly said at the time, according to an editorial opposing his nomination in last Wednesday's Concord Monitor: "In the case of race, color or creed, you don't have any control over that, and those are constitutional." To complete the so-called thought, here's what he said last week: "Sexual discrimination is not a constitutional right, and that is really the big difference."

As the Monitor observes, "Former state representative Gary Daniels leaves no one in doubt about where he stands on the issue of civil rights for gays and lesbians. The Milford Republican doesn't believe they exist."

A perusal of the statewide Manchester Union Leader's website this morning did not turn up any editorials on the Daniels nomination. However, the paper ran a story yesterday reporting that Daniels believes his views have been misrepresented. "I don't think anybody should be discriminated against, and I don't feel that I discriminated against anybody. This debate was about policy, not people," Daniels was quoted as saying. "I don't believe in discrimination. I opposed the bill because I thought the discrimination statutes were sufficient."

Yet the Union Leader dug up a transcript of Daniels's remarks from 1997 that leaves little doubt as to what his views are. Here's what Daniels said about the civil-rights bill, HB421, which became law despite his "no" vote:

This bill seeks to raise the protection of homosexual and bisexual behavior to the same constitutional level as race, color, creed, age and sex, characteristics over which we have no control. Simply put, it seeks to disrupt the natural order of things.

If we are truly to fix the problems that we profess that we are here to resolve, we need to start looking at the actions we take and their impact upon the problems yet to be resolved. The new set of ideas proposed by HB421 creates a new set of problems, disruptions that I don't believe are acceptable or wanted in today's society.

Misrepresented? I don't think so.

What was Governor Benson thinking? Who knows? But this much is sure. One of the unfortunate facts of life of the modern Republican Party is that its leaders must occasionally placate its most retrograde elements. In Trent Lott's case, it was Mississippi's irredentist racists. In Benson's case, it is reactionary moralists.

In this morning's New York Times, columnist Nicholas Kristof has an insightful column on the utter contempt that the mainstream media show toward evangelical and born-again Christians -- a group that comprises nearly half the country.

Trouble is, the tolerance that Kristof urges, while laudable, will never be returned. For liberals, tolerance and acceptance are paramount values that should be extended to religious conservatives just as they are to other groups. For religious conservatives, though, tolerance is the enemy.

Ultimately there is no reconciliation possible. What Kristof argues for is respect rather than the "sneering tone" that many secular people show toward evangelicals. That's fine. In New Hampshire, the executive council should reject the Daniels nomination forthwith, as reports suggest it already has the votes to do.

Respectfully, of course.

posted at 8:00 AM | link

Taking it back. Boston Globe columnist Joan Vennochi this morning admits the obvious: that she should not have compared Governor Mitt Romney's higher-education proposal to the fatal nightclub fire in West Warwick, Rhode Island.

posted at 8:00 AM | link

The blue wall. Good column today by the Boston Herald's Margery Egan on the intimidation tactics used by police unions to prevent any reform of the treasury-sapping Quinn bill.

posted at 7:59 AM | link

Monday, March 03, 2003

I have returned. Having finished my book on dwarfism, I am back at the Phoenix as of this morning. I should have my screwed-up voice-mail message straightened out by the end of the day, if not earlier. And no, I'm not going to finish this item without giving myself a free plug. Little People: Learning to See the World Through My Daughter's Eyes will be published by Rodale this fall.

posted at 10:20 AM | link

This is why they're called "yuppie scum." Meet Jay Kuhlow. According to a piece by Donovan Slack in this morning's Boston Globe, Kuhlow, 27, grew up in the suburbs of Florida and works at a technology company in Woburn. And, oh yes, he's found a delightful little place to live in the North End. Slack is hazy on the details, but I'd be willing to bet that it's a high-priced condo carved out of the remains of what used to be an affordable apartment building.

Somehow Kuhlow got named to the North End's neighborhood council. And would you like to know what cause he has embraced? Denying his neighbors the right to buy their groceries at a supermarket! Kuhlow's battle cry: No chains. "We don't need it," he told Slack. "We need our pastas, our sauces, a couple of items here and there. We need the historic character of our neighborhood."

Kuhlow's crusade is being opposed by a lot of elderly neighbors, many of them no doubt lifelong residents of the North End, who want the convenience and savings of being able to shop at a supermarket. But, damn it, Kuhlow wants to preserve the character of his neighborhood. "It feels like I've found my own environment," Kuhlow said. Isn't that special.

Of course, there are several large supermarkets within a 10-minute drive of Woburn, any one of which Kuhlow could easily stop at on his way home. Maybe he doesn't, but he's got the choice. His elderly neighbors, many of them living on the sort of fixed incomes that would make Kuhlow's head spin, deserve the same choice, don't you think?

posted at 8:29 AM | link

Getting real about Romney's reforms. The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation -- perhaps the most objective source of information about the state budget -- has posted its analysis of Governor Mitt Romney's proposed 2004 budget on its website. The verdict: a mixed bag.

Though the MFT lauds many of Romney's reform initiatives, it continues:

It is unfortunate that this bold restructuring plan has been undercut by overstated claims about its short-term fiscal benefits. While the budget has been billed as eliminating $2 billion in "waste, inefficiency, and mismanagement," more than $1 billion of that total reflects new taxes, fees and other revenue, and another $400 million derives from one-time fiscal gimmicks.

In addition, the MFT finds that the savings Romney proposes to generate through budget cuts come mainly at the expense of real programs that fill real needs, such as local aid and health care, and not from cracking down on patronage abuses.

posted at 8:29 AM | link

Listening in and twisting arms. Reader AQ passes along a link to this report in yesterday's London Observer charging the US with conducting a surveillance campaign aimed at digging up information that could be used to pressure members of the UN Security Council into voting with the White House on Iraq.

The article doesn't quite deliver on the promise of the hyperventilating lead, which refers to "a secret 'dirty tricks' campaign." Nevertheless, the allegations of telephone and e-mail intercepts are serious indeed, and are backed up by a memorandum that reportedly was written by a National Security Agency official.

National-security adviser Condoleezza Rice gets dragged into this as well.

Follow-up, anyone?

posted at 8:28 AM | link

Bidding farewell to the blogosphere at One Herald Square. Boston Herald columnist and fellow blogger Cosmo Macero writes this morning that Herald publisher Pat Purcell is moving to a pay-as-you-go model if you want to read some of the paper's marquee columnists online -- including Macero.

I'm sympathetic. Free content is a backbreaking burden for daily newspapers -- especially a second read such as the Herald, many of whose readers may be looking for just two or three features. But this isn't going to work.

There may come a time when paying for online content will seem as natural as buying newspaper and magazine subscriptions. But until that day comes, anyone who tries to break from the pack and test the market is only going to get burned.

And from a selfish point of view, it's going to become nearly impossible for bloggers who take the Herald seriously, such as Jay Fitzgerald and me, to link to the paper's content.

posted at 8:27 AM | link

With a clove of garlic and a wooden stake. New York Times columnist William Safire today interviews the dead. Well, at least the guy will never claim he'd been misquoted.

posted at 8:26 AM | link

Sunday, March 02, 2003

Iraq and disarmament, round two. Two follow-ups to Friday's item on that Newsweek report over whether Iraq had rid itself of chemical and biological weapons as of 1995:

  • The Boston Globe reported yesterday that even if Saddam Hussein's very late son-in-law Hussein Kamel was telling the truth, UN and CIA officials believe Saddam Hussein has had more than enough time since then to build more weapons. Former UN weapons inspector Jonathan Tucker told the Globe's John Donnelly, "If true, and that's a big if, it would simply mean that Iraq destroyed its pre-'91 stocks, and had retained the ability to reconstitute them at any time. We don't know what they did after 1995, and it's very possible when the inspectors were out of the country, they reconstituted some of their stocks.''
  • Reader CC upbraids me for writing that UN weapons inspectors were "kicked out" of Iraq in 1998. He writes: "The UN withdrew them. You may consider this splitting hairs, but the phrase 'kicked out' has implications that are overblown." CC is correct. As this CNN.com story from 1998 makes clear, the weapons inspectors left Iraq voluntarily to protect themselves from US military strikes after Saddam had refused to allow them to do their work.

posted at 10:11 AM | link


Dan Kennedy is senior writer and media critic for the Boston Phoenix.

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