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Eugenia Williamson
By PegAloi on 01-15-2011 in Outside The Frame
See this film: Dead Snow at the Coolidge - I really want to see this! I hope it's still there when I come to town later this month.By PegAloi on 01-15-2011 in Outside The Frame
Hawkins Blogs On "Inhuman" Liberals - Tere are no happy liberals (or conservatives for that matter). Everybody is pissed off.By chaco52 on 01-13-2011 in Talking Politics
Shakedown 01.13 - 01.19: A cold war brewing on Boston dance floors - Xmortis is not a fetish night. It _is_ goth and industrial, so an all black minimum is required. And...By Isobel on 01-13-2011 in On The Download
Hawkins Blogs On "Inhuman" Liberals - Well, he names names, but doesn't support his argument at all. It's a jumble of invective and ad hominem...By Steve Stein on 01-13-2011 in Talking Politics