Dance, Monkey!: Ardal O'Hanlon

Deep thoughts by Ardal O'Hanlon
By SARA FAITH ALTERMAN  |  August 4, 2011

What's the dirtiest insult you can think of?
"You big fat meanie!" (What can I say? I had a sheltered upbringing.)

How would you stimulate the US economy?
I'd look for the clitoris of the US economy. Which I believe is quite near New Orleans.

There's a book out now about "Six-word memoirs." What's yours?
"Born with a silver spoon . . . aarrgh!"

Cats: cute or creepy?
Q: How many ways to skin a cat? A: Not enough ways. They are evil, sneaky, jazz-loving freaks of nature. But I'd prefer them to dogs any day.

What are your tips for "greener" living?
I've bought a hybrid car. It's a half-car, half-horse that runs entirely on sugar lumps. There is a more important question: what is so great about the planet anyway — apart from Boston and the vineyards of Bordeaux?

ARDAL O'HANLON | Somerville Theatre, Somerville | March 5 at 8 pm | 800.745.3000 or

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  Topics: Comedy , Business, Dance, National Economy,  More more >
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 See all articles by: SARA FAITH ALTERMAN