THE SUPERHEROINE MONOLOGUES II | It's back "by popular demand": Phoenix Theatre Artists and Company One reprise last season's presentation (April at the Boston Playwright's Theatre). John Kuntz & Rick Park's "action-packed parody starts in the 1940s and travels through decades, as Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Storm, Lois Lane, and the world's most beloved spandex-clad females" stop speeding bullets, control the weather, scratch one another's eyes out, and "answer all the questions you never dreamed to ask." Greg Maraio directs. | Boston Center for the Arts, Plaza Theatre, 539 Tremont St, Boston | 617.933.8600 | Through September 26 | Curtain 7:30 Thurs | 8 pm Fri | 3 + 8 pm Sat | $25; $20 students, seniors
TRUTH VALUES: ONE GIRL'S ROMP THROUGH MIT'S MATH MAZE | Underground Railway Theater presents writer/performer and "recovering mathematician" Gioia De Cari in the title tale, an autobiographical solo show in which she recalls "the comic absurdity of being pawed by nerds, being asked to serve cookies at a seminar, and retaliating with fashion experiments" while pondering the role of woman in a man's mathematical world. Bring your own slide rule. | Central Square Theater, 450 Mass Ave, Cambridge | 617.576.9278 x 213 | Through September 27 | Curtain 7:30 Thurs | 8 pm Fri-Sat | 3 pm Sun | $35; $25 seniors; $20 students
Perfect Tenn, Cry me a river, I sink, therefore I am, More
- Perfect Tenn
When Tennessee Williams summered in Provincetown in the early 1940s, Eugene O’Neill was the playwright most associated with the tip of the Cape.
- Cry me a river
It would seem that Sophocles has been hanging around for 2500 years waiting to be improved — and the makeover artists have been numerous.
- I sink, therefore I am
Seascape , Edward Albee’s 1975 Pulitzer-winning meditation on evolution and mortality, gets all wet at Zeitgeist Stage Company.
- Mad Horse starts new midweek theater series
This month, Mad Horse Theater Company offers the inaugural installment of a new way to savor theater: in an array of morsels, with no waiting until the weekend.
- A powerhouse play
For a play titled Small Tragedy , playwright Craig Lucas certainly has packed in a bundle of large feelings.
- Year in Theater: Staged right
It's been a Buckingham Palace season on the local rialto.
- Winter's tales
The cold season heats up on Boston boards
- A Raisin in the Sun at Trinity, Bad Jazz at Zeitgeist
The centerpiece of George C. Wolfe's 1986 satire The Colored Museum is a scathing sketch called The Last Mama-on-the-Couch Play . A Raisin in the Sun is the über-mama-on-the-couch play.
- The Secret Rapture at Trinity Repertory Company
David Hare's The Secret Rapture , which Trinity Repertory Company is presenting through March 29.
- Blackbird at SpeakEasy
The year 2007 was a banner one for British theater.
- Death and transfiguration
There are some playwrights whose work makes you think that a night at the theater is going to be an eat-your-vegetables affair, but then you see a sharp production of one of their plays and you realize the menu is meatier than you had remembered.
- Play by Play: March 13, 2009
A compilation of theater productions in and around Boston
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, Stanley Kowalski, Boston College, Jackie Robinson, More
, Stanley Kowalski, Boston College, Jackie Robinson, William Shakespeare, Jack Lemmon, Curt Columbus, Joe Wilson, Karl Baker Olson, Paula Plum, Stephen Berenson, Less