Unhinging the binge

By CAITLIN E. CURRAN  |  August 21, 2009

Consuming tasty beverages could be catalytic in changing the way young drinkers view alcohol. Think about it: you could experiment with flavors, drink more fresh fruit juices, and become the primo cocktail inventor among your friends. Or you could use a funnel to force unhealthy amounts of cheap beer into your stomach. It’s your choice. 

None for me, thanks
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported this past month that 90 percent of all alcohol consumed by people younger than 21 is in the form of binge drinking (“binging” is usually defined as consuming five or more alcoholic beverages at a time). A recent poster plastered around UMass-Amherst campus read “3 out of 4 UMass students feel comfortable refusing a drink. Are you one of them?” UMass student or not, you can refuse a drink. Here are some handy excuses.

“I’m taking antibiotics.”
“I’m a superhero alien from another planet, and alcohol is like my kryptonite.”
“Kurt Vonnegut says that alcohol is really just yeast excrement.”
“I’m just going to pretend to be drunk so that I can remember everything that happens and make fun of you for it tomorrow.”
“I’m already drunk.”


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