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Lows and highs

Martyn at Good Life; Infinity Window at Butcher Shoppe
By SUSANNA BOLLE  |  January 6, 2009

Although he lives in suburban DC — a few thousand miles and an ocean away from dubstep ground zero in London — producer Martijn Deykers (a/k/a MARTYN) was one of the genre's pivotal figures of 2008. A long-time drum 'n' bass DJ in his native Holland, Deykers is part of a growing number of dubstep producers incorporating elements culled from techno, drum 'n' bass, and house. Last year, he released a string of gorgeous 12-inches ("Suburbia" on the wonderful Apple Pips imprint serving as the cream of this very fine crop) that fused lithe, bottom-trawling bass with shimmering synth lines.

With an eagerly awaited debut album due this year, Deykers has embarked on an extended DJ tour of the US and Europe. You can hear him spin at Good Life this Saturday — and perhaps get a taste of a few tracks from the album.

Things got a little less cosmic here in Boston when synth player and krautrock enthusiast Danny Lopatin moved to New York last year. Lopatin was best known as one-third of the synth trio Astronaut, who kicked out some seriously soporific jams in their day. Next Thursday, he returns with INFINITY WINDOW, his duo with Taylor Richardson, formerly of Sunburned Hand of the Man. "Taylor brings a visceral/percussive kind of vibe to Infinity Window. He's tapped into a damaged sort of bliss-out sound. He plays synthesizer, tapes, loops, and guitar. I do my thing on synths and loops."

Infinity Window are currently touring with Michigan noise legend SICK LLAMA and TREETOPS. E-mail for venue information and show details.

MARTYN + C DUBS | Good Life, 28 Kingston St, Boston | January 10 at 9 pm | 21+ | 617.451.2622 or | INFINITY WINDOW + SICK LLAMA + TREETOPS | Butcher Shoppe | January 15 at 9 pm | $5 |

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  Topics: Music Features , Danny Lopatin, edm, Electronic Music,  More more >
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