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Enjoying Friends with benefits

Radical vibes
When I first came upon the video for "I'm His Girl" by the Brooklyn pop quintet Friends, my mind had already been stuck on the idea of liberation for the better part of a week.
By: LIZ PELLY  |  April 02, 2012

Youth Lagoon

Contemplating the self with Youth Lagoon

Poster child
Knowing what kind of wall hangings a musician had as a child doesn't always offer clues about his adult personality, but in the case of the Boise-situated creator of hazy pop project Youth Lagoon, Powers's posters provide handy visuals when listening to his song called— wait for it — "Posters."
By: REYAN ALI  |  March 27, 2012

music APTBS

The quiet side of A Place To Bury Strangers

Sonic bids
When you are surrounded with those jagged barbs of sheer bloody noise for the first time, do you run for the hills or continue to stick your head in the acid bath? It only takes a few seconds of luxuriating in the stinging audio hailstorm that is A Place To Bury Strangers to know how a young Oliver Ackermann reacted to the noise threshold test.
By: DANIEL BROCKMAN  |  March 27, 2012


The tight post-punk structure of Autochrome

Polished finish
Sitting around the kitchen table listening to music with Autochrome bassist/singer Jeff Bartell and guitarist Richard Murillo, I realize that before we even started talking, we certainly agreed on this: when the guitar kicks in on "Senses" from their forthcoming self-released album, Separation Realms, it sends chills down the spine.
By: JONATHAN DONALDSON  |  March 30, 2012


3 Inches of Blood party on

Hitting up the Metal Alliance Tour
In a culture obsessed with decoding the lyrics and attitudes of modern popular music, nothing gets more closely scrutinized than heavy metal.
By: DANIEL BROCKMAN  |  March 21, 2012


Boston rocks an Austin gang once again

Masshole heaven
Fitting for a region of colleges, it's hard to imagine any city having a greater fraternity of bands down at SXSW than our very own Boston.
By: MICHAEL MAROTTA  |  March 22, 2012


South By South Mess

Bring on the ADD!
Ah, SXSW 2012!
By: MICHAEL MAROTTA  |  March 21, 2012


The dance-music scene heats up Austin

Bodies moving
"Like in 10 years, this is Lollapalooza— we're just ahead of shit," said Nick Hook of Cubic Zirconia on Saturday night, toward the tail end of his solo set during SBTRKT's collaborative shindig with burgeoning UK-label Young Turks.
By: MICHAEL C. WALSH  |  March 21, 2012


Lessons from Captured Tracks at SXSW

On and off Sixth Street
For those going to SXSW to discover young artists at the beginnings of their careers, the epicenter of the megafest has moved.
By: LIZ PELLY  |  March 21, 2012


SXSW 2012 marks the end of the superstars

Twilight of the gods
In his keynote speech, informally anointed King of Music, Sir Bruce Springsteen, gave some uncle-ly advice to all the young'uns with their deathmetals and their trollgazes who made up the complicated and chaotic mass that was this year's SXSW talent pool/conference of musical commodity farmers: he pointed out that a ticket to a show is "a handshake between the artist and the fan."
By: DANIEL BROCKMAN  |  March 21, 2012


Claire Boucher makes Grimes her thing

If you want to make music — I mean, if you really want to make music — there are several steps.
By: DANIEL BROCKMAN  |  March 26, 2012


Gotye finds himself riding a YouTube smash

Somebody that you know
Wouter De Backer has heard it all.
By: MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER  |  March 20, 2012


Smash It Dead Fest goes after rape culture

No joke
Smash It Dead Fest happens this weekend in Allston and Cambridge, with three days of punk shows and feminist workshops to raise funds for the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center.
By: LIZ PELLY  |  March 21, 2012


Dr. Dog is the drug

Psychedelic prescription
On their current trek, promoting their playful and raw seventh album, Be the Void (Anti-), Dr. Dog have reached headliner status, playing the biggest, most tightly packed rooms of their career.
By: RYAN REED  |  March 14, 2012


From Sun Volt to Guthrie with Jay Farrar

Multitudes of challenges
Putting together the New Multitudes project, singer-guitarist Jay Farrar had access to a treasure trove: thousands of lyrics from the Woody Guthrie Archives.
By: NICK A. ZAINO III  |  March 14, 2012

Justice music

Justice blaze new trails for dance music

For all
Most musicians, at a certain point, discover a paradox at the center of the whole act of musical creation: that seemingly complex music can be simple, and that making simple music is often a complex process. After all, what do you expect in a medium where mathematics and pure emotion are intertwined?
By: DANIEL BROCKMAN  |  March 14, 2012


Interview: Oderus Urungus and GWAR hit the Wilbur

Death threat
It makes a certain amount of sense that Boston's Theater District will be visited upon by one of rock's most theatrical groups, GWAR.
By: DANIEL BROCKMAN  |  March 14, 2012


In the clubs, DJ LeahV is spinning in control

Turning the tables
DJ LeahV is hustling.
By: NINA MASHUROVA  |  March 14, 2012


Primed 4 SXSW ’12

A dozen bands that will be more popular after playing shows next week in Austin
The headlines and posts for South by Southwest 2012 (the music portion of which this year runs March 14-18) have not only been fast and furious, but also packed with some serious celebrity appeal.
By: MICHAEL MAROTTA  |  March 09, 2012


Exclusive: Sammy Hagar and Gary Cherone on the new Van Halen record

Inconvenient Truth
Last month, after Van Halen dropped A Different Kind of Truth (Interscope) — the rock legends' first album of all new material with original singer David Lee Roth in almost three decades—fans and detractors alike took to the Internet to vote yea or nay on the comeback gigs.
By: MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER  |  March 08, 2012


Devil Music Ensemble heads to China

"Red Heroine" chic
When Boston's Devil Music Ensemble began their quest to write a live soundtrack to the 1929 Chinese silent film Red Heroine , they never would have guessed that they would end up in Beijing.
By: JONATHAN DONALDSON  |  March 07, 2012

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