Tone deaf

Can Gov. Deval hear the thunder of jeers?
By DAVID S. BERNSTEIN  |  March 25, 2009

LAME GAME A series of recent political gaffes has Beacon Hill insiders wondering what’s wrong with Deval Patrick.

Bad news good news
Patrick is even managing to hurt himself with good news. His announcement of a $168 million infusion for schools from the federal stimulus package was seen by many in the legislature as a blatant attempt to change the headlines — with figures that he had already accounted for in his budget proposal nearly two months ago. Worse, Patrick advertised the specific dollar amounts going to specific communities, making them seem like extra funds, when they are actually just bringing those towns up to foundation-level funding. As a result, residents of cities and towns already funded at their foundation level in Patrick’s budget don’t understand why, for example, Belmont and Wellesley are getting money while Boston and Medford are not.

The Phoenix editorial: Shape up, governor.

March has not been kind to Deval Patrick. He has been thoroughly ravaged this month for a variety of acts, including the appointment of solon Marian Walsh to a long-vacant post at a state authority; for putting former Big Dig insider Jim Aloisi in charge of transportation reform; for his tax and toll proposals; for a plan to eliminate an auto-insurance review process; and for proposing huge raises for two small-town sheriffs.

Many are even saying that this has been the roughest, most politically damaging stretch of the governor's term since the early days of expensive drapes and an inappropriate phone call on behalf of Ameriquest.

His poll numbers have plummeted, and on cue his most likely challengers for re-election — Treasurer Tim Cahill, Harvard Pilgrim honcho Charles Baker, and businessman Christie Mihos — have gone public with their criticisms and thoughts of campaigning.

State legislators, political observers, and even Patrick's supporters and allies are wondering what's gone wrong with the governor's game.

"I don't know what's going on with the guy," says one legislator's chief of staff.

"Everybody's scratching their heads," says one close Beacon Hill observer. "Who's running the show?"

Inside Patrick's office, however, they claim to see things very differently. Administration officials believe that the perception of a battered governor is an illusion of the Beacon Hill echo chamber — that outside the State House, people aren't obsessing about the Boston-media headline items.

Patrick himself seems to share that view: in a recent press conference, he dismissed the litany of his criticized actions as "trivial."

Perhaps — to put the kindest spin on it — the administration is taking a longer view of things. Patrick's political fortunes will ultimately depend on what people think much later, after his policies have a chance to work (or not). But his plans have a much lower chance of success if legislators and the public are against him — and right now, they are.

"Among the membership," says one lawmaker, "there is great unhappiness with the governor."

A string of troubles
The appointment of State Senator Walsh, to a high-salaried position at the Health and Educational Facilities Authority (HEFA) not filled since the previous decade, has been a public-relations disaster. Walsh, a strong supporter of Patrick's campaign, has been long-rumored to be in line for one plum opening or another — even after Patrick gave her husband a job — so it's hard for people to see this as anything other than a spoils reward.

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  Topics: Talking Politics , Doug Rubin, Deval Patrick, House Speaker Sal DiMasi,  More more >
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 See all articles by: DAVID S. BERNSTEIN