
The Sedarises’ silly Book of Liz
By BILL RODRIGUEZ  |  July 2, 2007
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Related: Blissful bustle, Do you have any treasures in your attic?, The joy of excess, More more >
  Topics: Theater , National Public Radio Inc., Mick Jones, Amy Sedaris,  More more >
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  •   THE PLAY'S NOT THE THING  |  June 18, 2013
    Historian Charles L. Mee is also a playwright with a lengthy list of works to his credit, but he could more accurately be called an anti-playwright. Having declared that “there is no such thing as an original play,” he has proceeded, typically, to assemble and reconstruct theater pieces from found texts.
  •   ONE DAY AT A TIME  |  June 18, 2013
    As someone says toward the end of this intriguing social-study kitchen-sink drama, it’s easy to get along with people you don’t deal with every day, who don’t know you inside out and can make you feel terrible with just a look.
  •   UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS  |  June 12, 2013
    What a clever idea. Use the same cast and adjacent sets, and develop characters and their stories into two plays that stand alone but also offer the bonus of familiarity to audience members who see them both.
  •   UNSETTLING SLICES OF LIFE  |  June 11, 2013
    ' BOB: Blessed Be the Dysfunction That Binds ' is about Anne Pasquale’s experiences growing up with a “special needs person” with schizophrenic tendencies, a balancing act of love and trepidation. Bob, you see, could be violent.
  •   AND JUSTICE FOR ALL?  |  June 04, 2013
    Don't ever get arrested for a serious crime. That's one of the infuriating lessons learned from ' The Exonerated ,' a drama of justice delayed written by Jessica Blank and Erik Jensen.

 See all articles by: BILL RODRIGUEZ