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For all the unconventionality of the hipster wedding, certain aspects are as regimented as a military drill. It goes without saying that religious officials should not perform hipster wedding services. Justices of the Peace, Unitarians, friends ordained in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster — these are acceptable officiates, ones that will not raise an eyebrow at your farm-stand turnip cake, or the sign hanging over it reading "farm-stand turnip cake," or maybe your rainbow cake — you know, for marriage equality!

Hipsters are similarly required to write their own vows. Some write from the heart. Some incorporate poetry from the New York school. Others appropriate lyrics from '70s arena-rock bands for whose songs they have an ironic appreciation. One Connecticut couple, married by a friend dressed as an eight-foot-tall Japanese toy in an inflatable polyurethane suit, addressed each other in rhyming couplets as the children in attendance wept in fear.

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21 Comments / Add Comment

Photographer Glenwood Springs CO

Really? Why the nasty language in the title? It's not necessary and takes away from the article.
Posted: May 25 2011 at 5:44 PM


Glenwood -- the article title is a reference to this website:
Posted: May 25 2011 at 9:31 PM

Crypster/Replacement Hipser

Photographer Glenwood apparently needs to go wash his eyes.

Now on to my comment. Looks like Ms. Williamson.drank the hipster haterade, I wonder if she'll ever be invited to a wedding again. Whatever. I especially liked the lines "Get some turnips up in that shit!" and "Fuck, you, Dad!"
Posted: May 26 2011 at 5:13 AM


because it's a reference of this:
Posted: May 26 2011 at 5:29 AM


The title of the article is meant to echo the name of a widely-known website that satirizes hipsterism with mocking captions of photos of actual hipsters:
Posted: May 26 2011 at 6:46 AM


This makes me kind of sad. Not that I plan on having any wedding anytime soon, but I think the idea of shaking up tradition by making a wedding that is really personal, creative, and special is a refreshing departure from hyper-materialistic mega-weddings. I think that making things yourself and supporting local businesses is an awesome way to reclaim something that has become less about love and marriage and more about money and having the same thing everyone else has. Boo for mocking what I think is an awesome shift in our perception of what a wedding can be. Also, making fun of hipsters is so 2009.
Posted: May 26 2011 at 12:37 PM

jim tuckers

I'm so sharing this on my Facebook and Twitter feeds.
Posted: May 26 2011 at 1:48 PM


I think that a lot of these things are fun and different. Yes, the whole fake mustache thing is overplayed but some of the other stuff is really fun. Fact of the matter is weddings are fucking expensive so if you can find ways to make them creative and fun without spending a ton of cash then good for you. I am in the process of planning a wedding myself and I plan on doing a lot myself too. It's not crafty, it's smart. I am all for making fun of hipsters but lighten up a tad, huh?
Posted: May 26 2011 at 1:49 PM


This is stupid. People's weddings should be whatever they want them to be. I don't think having a photobooth or carefully selecting songs if you're into music makes you a "hipster". I'm so tired of that word. What is a hipster? If someone wants their wedding to be a big "childish" party with mustaches and hot dogs instead of prime rib then cool, go for it. Just because you're an adult doesn't mean you can't have fun. But on the other side of that, if someone wants a classy black tie wedding with tons of flowers and a string quartet, then that's cool too. Whatever that couple wants.

Since the writer criticized a lot of people's weddings by generalizing certain trends as "hipster", then let's hear what your wedding would be like, Eugenia?
Posted: May 26 2011 at 1:52 PM

Sunny Rissland

To echo aimeebee, it also makes me sad that people can so disparage those trying to shirk tradition, even a little.

I also feel that the writer is damning a large group of 20-somethings for the failings of a certain obnoxious few. I understand that hipsters are construed as easy targets for mockery, but as a 26 year old, creative, crafty, skinny jean wearing girl, I'm a little tired of being painted with the same brush as every other Park Slope wannabe. Additionally, let's not forget that "hipster" originated in the 1940s and wasn't intended as an insult. But I digress.

In conclusion, when I get married I fully intend to make everything myself, and put the entire shindig together as fiscally and environmentally friendly as possible. I think it'll be a richer experience, and I'll remember the beautiful day I had with my friends and loved ones, not the thousands of dollars I still owe.

And maybe I will put a bird on it.
Posted: May 26 2011 at 4:29 PM
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