How much do you work out?
During the season I work out two hours a day on three days of the week. But we practice Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday … so those are workouts themselves.
Do you watch what you eat, or does this body just come naturally?
Some of my body comes naturally because I have good genes, but I try to eat as healthy as possible so the body has the right fuel for what I do day in and day out. I can tell when I let myself go because my energy level is low and I’m tired throughout the day.
What’s your favorite guilty-pleasure food?
My guilty-pleasure food is the holiday meals. All the soul food I can hold down!
You’ve got a great body now, but did you ever go through that “awkward” stage?
I never went through an awkward stage. My father always had my brother and me working out at a young age. Fitness has just been second nature.
If you could have anyone else’s body, whose would it be?
No one’s! I’ve worked too hard for mine!
Favorite exercise?
Favorite exercise is the speed bag. It’s great for hand-eye coordination, and I’ve always respected and liked boxers for their fitness and endurance.
Least favorite exercise?
Least favorite exercise is single-leg dumbbell squats. Those take so much focus and concentration, because you have to stay tight or your body cannot perform the exercise.
What’s the best body compliment you’ve ever received?
Probably when someone bumps into me or grabs me to get my attention and they realize how solid I am. It’s funny ’cause they don’t expect it.
What do you consider your best body part?
My best body part is where my torso and legs meet. My brother says that it looks like you can take my legs off like a doll, but I like it because of the definition.