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Review: Passione

John Turturro tours his beloved city for this documentary
By GERALD PEARY  |  November 22, 2011
2.5 2.5 Stars

Charles Aznavour and Édith Piaf, move over! There seem to be dozens of soul-drenched, gypsy-influenced torch singers in Naples who can match their hushed dramatic storytelling (Aznavour) and operatic histrionics (Piaf). Italian-American actor John Turturro takes a musical tour of his beloved city for this documentary, showing off dozens of prideful voices, professional and amateur. It's great for a while, song belting into song. Eventually, except perhaps for the knowing musicologist, it all starts to sound like one cheesy slice of "O Sole Mio."

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  Topics: Reviews , Movie Reviews, Napoli, musical
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