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A decent, but not great, soap opera
By GERALD PEARY  |  November 5, 2008
2.5 2.5 Stars


Mark (Chad Allen), a trashy young gay man into motel-sex and coke, makes a sea change by agreeing to reside at a Christian halfway home, where the once-gay clientele are weaned away from homosexuality and into the arms of Jesus.

The surprise of this Robert Cary–directed film is that the couple who run Genesis House are given their say and not treated as vile and bigoted stereotypes. In fact, the deepest character by far is Gayle (beautifully played by Judith Light), an intelligent woman who has decided to save gay men because of the death of her own 16-year-old unrepentant gay son.

This is a pretty decent movie but not a great one: its ultimate message, that God's love applies also to gay love, is spooned out in a manner better befitting a TV movie or a soap opera. 96 minutes | Kendall Square

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