Touré on Prince

'Touch, if you will, my stomach'
By EUGENIA WILLIAMSON  |  March 30, 2012

Boston native Touré, a critic (Rolling Stone), talking head (MSNBC), television host (The Hip Hop Shop), and author (What It Means To Be Black Now) has added "Harvard lecturer" to his lengthy résumé. Last week, he delivered three 90-minute talks as part of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute's Alain LeRoy Locke lecture series. "I Would Die 4U: Why Prince Became a Gen X Icon" (originally called "Why Prince Succeeded, Besides the Obvious Fact That He Is Awesome") focused on the artist formerly known as the Artist's larger sociological importance ("Prince and Gen X Apocalyptic Apathy"), sexy overtones ("Prince and Gen X Sexuality"), and Jesus fixation ("Prince as Christ Figure"). Here are some of his many insights into the quixotic genius — soon to be available in book form:

PRINCE IS AN INEXHAUSTIBLE MUSIC MONSTER "For every song on Purple Rain, there's 50 that didn't make the cut . . . a lot of them end up in the Vault."

PRINCE IS THE BEST DRUM PROGRAMMER OF ALL TIME According to ?uestlove, no less!

PRINCE HAS NO SOCIAL SKILLS At a posthumous George Harrison tribute at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Prince joined a group of musicians onstage — including Harrison's bereaved son — and wiped the floor with them. When it was over and they all embraced, Prince stormed off the stage.

PRINCE IS THE CITIZEN KANE OF DIVORCE "In the legendary film Citizen Kane, a reporter tries to get to the essence of Charles Foster Kane by searching for the meaning of the last word he says on his deathbed: 'Rosebud' . . . Divorce is the Rosebud of Gen X and Prince."

PRINCE LOVES TO BATHE WOMEN AND TO WASH THEIR HAIR 'Nuff said. (Brings new meaning to that bathtub scene in the video for "When Doves Cry.")

Related: Review: The many tentacles of Jason Spooner's Sea Monster, Gully + Foam Castles + Sunset Hearts at Empire Dine and Dance, January 8, Hail the swinging geniuses!, More more >
  Topics: Music Features , Music, Talking Heads, prince,  More more >
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