Well the band will never be known as that in thePhoenix I can tell you that! I know, I know, it's a superficial thing, and all that legal shit. I dunno, I'd love to come out to the States again. I really would, but we can't just do it on a whim.

Are there plans for a tour here? That's the one question every stateside Suede fan wants to know. I don't know, we haven't even talked about touring outside Europe at all this year. We talked about maybe doing some touring at the end of the year.

We're trying to keep it fairly loose. To be honest, the whole reason, one of the reasons, it went wrong last time was we had too much of a rigid timetable on what we were doing. And as soon as it becomes this machine like process of living your life, I think the magic goes. And we're trying to be a bit freer by it and not have our lives completely dictated by it.


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