
Impeach My Bush | XL
By MATT ASHARE  |  July 18, 2006
3.0 3.0 Stars

Jane’s Addiction figured out that nothing’s all that shocking anymore — more than a decade and a half ago. So Peaches’ shticky sex talk and cheesy electro-pop disco has always been just that: an alternately amusing and tiresome one-track-minded trip through Freudian fatherfucking and the kind of racy double entendres that AC/DC were slipping into their boogie metal years ago. Coming at blatantly sexed-up subjects (if you could even call them that) from a grrrly woman’s point of view gave The Teaches of Peaches some novelty value. But a fellow Canadian songstress, platinum princess Alanis Morissette, had already copped to her first blow job long before Peaches went down on anyone. Title notwithstanding, Impeach My Bush is the album on which our heroine (born Merrril Nisker) seems to realize that it’s time to offer more than nasty teases. With some serious production from Mickey Petralia (Ladytron) and Gwen Stefani beatmaster Greg Kurstin, Peaches sharpens her synth hooks, varies the electrogrooves, and serves up 13 tracks that are just amusing enough in their risqué behavior to keep the smiles coming (“Slippery dick is just a fish in the Atlantic,” she croons on “Slippery Dick”) while also standing behind the political point of the title. The opening “Fuck or Kill,” a short, bittersweet chant of a song, is an anti-war number that drops the “my” from the disc title to connect the dots. The Gossip’s Beth Ditto and Joan Jett help bring a little rock to the party, and before you know it, the album’s over — a major compliment.

PEACHES + EAGLES OF DEATH METAL | July 21 | Avalon, 15 Lansdowne St, Boston | 617.228.6000

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Related: Drinan’s spirit, The schlock opera of Peaches Christ Superstar, Burn, baby, burn, More more >
  Topics: CD Reviews , Politics, Ladytron, Beth Ditto,  More more >
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