Sontiago + Gabe FM

Music seen at Bubba's Sulky Lounge, July 24, 2008
By TODD RICHARD  |  July 30, 2008

At Bubba’s Sulky Lounge this past Thursday, there was none of the sadness and melancholy usually associated with a goodbye. Instead, there was a packed dance floor, brimming with jubilation. Sorely under-appreciated hip-hop DJ Gabe FM is leaving us for the Left Coast, but couldn’t drop off the face without first dropping it like it’s hot.

Those who slept may have missed the fact that Sontiago is a Class ‘A’ DJ of high order. Moreover, she provided a wonderful public service of bringing dancehall to a whole crowd that may have never known it’s pleasures. Her set ratcheted up the heat on the dance floor and started a series of new gyrations. Gabe’s crunk-meets-hyphy set underscored the reason why he’s leaving us; there’s music out there that’s new and fresh and not like what’s been heard before. With his relocation, Gabe is electing to put himself in the epicenter of developing hip-hop music and culture.

Gabe FM is the new San Francisco Treat. The Bay Area might not know who they are getting in one of it’s newest residents, but I know Gabe will make himself known in pretty short order. Let’s hope that in his inevitable approach towards a wider success, that he’ll return to us and bring back what he’s seen and heard in the world.

Related: Bands' best, Ghettosocks, Sontiago, Dilly Dilly, Gabe FM, The ‘A’ word, More more >
  Topics: Live Reviews , Entertainment, Hip-Hop and Rap, Music,  More more >
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