Reader Adriana Pierro e-mails, regarding last week’s write-up of the Woodward: “Not trying to be snooty, but . . . the head chef’s name is Mark [not Robert] Goldberg.” (Right she is; I certainly want the right credit for this fine chef.) Andrea Kulish sends this in about my Red Lentil review: “Just wanted to let you know that seitan is made from wheat gluten and not soy.” And from the iPhone of Jason Michalak, inspired by my review of South End Buttery: “Brenner brings ‘flare’ to the menu? Do you mean ‘flair?’ I hope so. Eating flares would hurt.”

Phoenix readers have become so polite! A typo or an inexactitude in print used to fill the snail-mailbag with outraged screeds, as if the readers dined not on mere flares, but on entire bonfires with napalm sauce. Today’s goof-ups just don’t inspire the same level of word-rage. I have to blame the improvements on restaurants themselves. It’s been some years since a newish restaurant tried to send out an uncooked wine sauce, a truly gummy side-dish pasta, or leaden French fries. Even such Boston reliabilities as the Worst Mexican Food in the Lower 48 States seem to have gone the way of sports losership and Kennedys with fake Boston accents. They exist, but aren’t sharp rocks under the pillow any longer. No wonder you readers are so subtle when offended.

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  •   STEIN'S BACK  |  September 12, 2012
    I didn't know she was here, but I'll be voting for her [Jill Stein] because neither major party gives a shit about me.
  •   LETTERS TO THE BOSTON EDITORS, SEPTEMBER 7, 2012  |  September 05, 2012
    Jill Stein has not called for the dismantling of the CIA, the DHS, or the NSS.
  •   THE HIPSTER CANDIDATE  |  August 29, 2012
    Stein has spent the past decade hammering inequities that the increasingly broke public claims it wants corrected." Truly, she's the hipster candidate.
  •   LETTERS TO THE BOSTON PHOENIX EDITORS, AUGUST 24, 2012  |  August 22, 2012
    It's clear that the heart of "Gone Begging" was a call for more infrastructural support for the arts.
  •   ART ATTACK  |  August 15, 2012
    It's true Boston is a culturally conservative city with a lackluster contemporary art scene.

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