You call this winning?

By EDITORIAL  |  June 30, 2010

That looks like speedy lawmaking compared to the energy-and-climate bill, which passed the House — co-written by Massachusetts's Ed Markey — a full year ago.

Work on the Senate version slogs on, thanks largely to the admirable work of its co-writers: the too-often-wobbly John Kerry of Massachusetts, and the frequently loathsome Independent Joe Lieberman of Connecticut.

Brown has been AWOL on this one, but Collins, Snowe, and New Hampshire's Judd Gregg were among the seven Republicans who attended a bipartisan meeting with President Obama on Tuesday to discuss the possibility of compromise.

Make no mistake: the Phoenix believes that both bills have been watered down too much already. But in a Washington where gridlock rules, New Englanders are trying to get something done. The problem is it's just not enough.

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