Portland Student Survival Guide 2010: The List of Lists

The real back-to-school guide
By PORTLAND PHOENIX STAFF  |  August 31, 2010


It's back-to-campus time. You've got shopping lists, book lists, syllabi, rosters, and Facebook. Who would possibly think you could handle more lists? We would, that's who. We at the Portland Phoenix set a high standard for our readers' performance, and that involves giving you more information than you can possibly handle. Kinda like college.

READYour phone needs this list: Emergency contacts for new-in-town students
But this stuff, we swear, is info you won't stare at blankly and wonder whether you'll ever use it in your adult life. Our lists you can walk right out the door and use right now, no questions asked, no studying required. Some of these lists, we dare say, you might actually memorize. Not because we said so, but because you'll realize how important they are. (Feel free to use assistive technology — we even included a list of useful numbers to put in your phone's contact list.)

The basic point is: If you want to know it, it's on one of our lists. If it's not here, you don't need to know. Tell that to your profs at exam time.


5 bars to drink at when you're nearly broke

1) Sangillo's | 18 Hampshire St, Portland | 207.879.2810

2) Dogfish Bar & Grille | 128 Free St, Portland | 207.772.5843

3) Ruski's | 212 Danforth St, Portland | 207.774.7604

4) Mathew's | 133 Free St, Portland | 207.253.1812

5) Dock Fore | 336 Fore St, Portland | 207.772.8619

1 bar to drink at if you want to become a beer snob (or are one already)

1) Novare Res Bier Café | 4 Canal Plaza, Portland | 207.761.2437


1 bar to drink at if you want to become a whiskey snob (or are one already)

1) Bull Feeney's | 375 Fore St, Portland | 207.773.7210 (tip: ask for Jeff Grundy)

3 bars to (not) get in a fight at

1) Cactus Club | 416 Fore St, Portland | 207.879.4007

2) Fore Play "Sports Pub" | 436 Fore St, Portland | 207.780.1111

3) Mathew's | 133 Free St, Portland | 207.253.1812

3 bars you won't leave sober

1) Sangillo's | 18 Hampshire St, Portland | 207.879.2810 | Why: High-octane daily specials; menu is primarily Jello shots

2) Novare Res Bier Café | 4 Canal Plaza, Portland | 207.761.2437 | Why: Selection includes choices with very high ABV

3) Amigo's | 9 Dana St, Portland | 207.772.0772 | Why: Cheap suds with quick service

5 bars with the hottest bartenders (they know who they are)

1) The Snug | 223 Congress St, Portland | 207.772.6839

2) Local 188 | 685 Congress St, Portland | 207.761.7909

3) Sonny's | 83 Exchange St, Portland | 207.772.7774

4) The Front Room | 73 Congress St, Portland | 207.773.3366

5) Grace | 15 Chestnut St, Portland | 207.828.4422


4 cheap meals

under $3) Leonardo's $2.99 lunch deal — 2 Slices and a drink, 11am -1pm

under $5) Maine Squeeze Juice Cafe — just about any smoothie (includes tax)

under $10) Yosaku — lunch box special with your choice of sushi roll

1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |   next >
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