It could be that, it could be anything. Flaherty, I think he played Dropkick Murphys' "Shipping Up To Boston." You can play just about anything, whatever the listeners are going to call in and say I vote for that one.
I love the Dropkick Murphys. Is FNX . . .

Progressive rock, alternative rock. But they've got everything in the library, you can pick from anything.
How about, um . . .

This is the one question he has to think the most about.
Well, I've got to pick one that's got —

You want to get a little underlying message, too, right?
Yeah. How about "In The End," by Linkin Park.

Very nice.
What was yours?

Someone asked me recently, and I came up with Green Day's "Do You Know Your Enemy?"
You know something, I literally thought about picking one of the songs off of American Idiot, which I think is just an unbelievably great CD.

It's a great CD, and it's not that any individual track —
And that's the reason I didn't go there, because I like the whole thing as a package, and I'm not sure what I would play —

Have you seen them play the album live?
Yes, Lauren and I took the kids to go see Green Day when they played at Gillette, that was maybe five or six years ago, and it was great. We still think, outside of the Dropkick shows it was probably the best family concert we ever went to.

Go to Jay-Z. I don't know if you listen to any hip-hop, but he puts on a great show.
My kids love Jay-Z.

Thanks. Great to see you.
See you later.

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