Cutler for Governor

By PORTLAND PHOENIX STAFF  |  October 20, 2010


Cutler for Governor

We've said before that it's time for change in Augusta. We need some new ideas — and by new ideas, we don't mean cockamamie loony initiatives like tea partier Paul LePage is proposing, such as a regressive flat five-percent income tax for all Maine residents and corporations, which would put a estimated $800 million annual hole in a budget already saddled with a $500 million hole before a new governor takes office. And we don't mean Libby Mitchell's ideas to tweak the failed policies of the ruinous Baldacci era.

We mean real ideas, like Eliot Cutler's suggestions for a public power authority, a practical, effective, cost-saving way for Mainers to invest in Maine's future. We mean ideas like Cutler's plan to eliminate the duplicative bureaucracy of the Board of Environmental Protection, which simply adds to the calcification of Augusta's entrenched power brokers. We mean ideas like Cutler's plan to contribute state money to bring natural-gas pipelines up the state's major rivers, to provide power now-dismantled dams once generated to drive local economies all over Maine. It's time for something new.

Cutler has deep experience in the federal government and international business and law, fresh ideas that could help foster a return to prosperity by laying the foundation for a better Maine at the local community level where it belongs, and a common-sense approach to tackling the state's problems that would be a welcome breath of fresh air in Augusta. The Portland Phoenix urges Mainers to vote for Eliot Cutler.


Pingree for US House, District 1

You've got a really clear choice, 1st District voters. A pro-life social-conservative man who is doing his best to distance himself from the tea party, despite sharing many views with that movement. Or a pro-choice progressive woman with the guts, the chops, and the strength to stand up to the radical right and the muddling-middling center-left. It's not much of a choice, really. Add in her anti-war, pro-stimulus, pro-bank-regulation, and pro-health-care stances, and it's an easy decision to vote for Chellie Pingree.


Michaud for US House, District 2

Second District voters have a clear choice too, between tea party member Jason Levesque and staunch working-class supporter Mike Michaud. Michaud is concerned with empowering small businesses, limiting the negative effects of international free-trade agreements on domestic industry, passing fair taxes, and ensuring accessible health care. Levesque would rather work on reducing government protections of the environment, giving tax breaks to the ultra-wealthy, and repealing health-care reform and anti-global-warming measures already in law. If you want the government to work for the people, not against us, vote for Mike Michaud.

Related: Pledge class, Minor League Pundits, Last choice, More more >
  Topics: This Just In , Politics, Abortion, Augusta,  More more >
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