ri monthly has a story coming out where I am listed as one of the top 10 most powerful in ri. If they try to f*** me, I will kill them.Who said that? Raymond L.S. Patriarca coming back from the grave? Baby Shacks? The Saint? The Moron? Or some other mobbed-up thug here in the Biggest Little?
John ‘Top 10’ DePetro |
No, it was allegedly John DePetro, WPRO's morning talk show weasel, in a text message to the woman with whom he was apparently having an affair — with "they" referring to the woman's husband, Louis Cicerone, and Cicerone's family and in-laws. How nice.On November 10, WJAR's I-Team used documents from the Cicerones' divorce case to break the story of the alleged affair and threatening text message. And uh oh, Johnny, you should also have your imaginary journalist's license pulled — it was your boss, Barbara Haynes, who was being profiled by Rhode Island Monthly, not you, Mr. Top 10.
The Rhode Island State Police apparently thought this was a serious enough threat that, when Mr. Cicerone filed a complaint with the force, the police warned DePetro to "stay away from the complainant and their family." That's what a spokesman told WJAR. Through his lawyer, The Journalist claimed that the State Police never told him to stay away from Cicerone. Wow, we're really confused here at Casa Diablo . . . who to believe? Brendan Doherty or John DePetro? (Word to the wise: Never, ever, ever call Doherty or his staties liars.)
The lawyer (Timothy Dodd) continued in a prepared statement to Channel 10 that "there has been no testimony under oath to substantiate or otherwise prove the allegations in the Cicerone affidavit." Of course, text messages can be traced and Cicerone said in the Channel 10 report that DePetro's phone number appeared next to them so, eventually, the truth will out.
Mr. Cicerone stumbled upon the DePetro connection when he hired a private investigator to follow his wife.
But what's most interesting about this is that The Journalist, who is evidently not a "family values" kind of guy (although he plays one on the radio) probably believes that he still has a few nano-shreds of credibility. Remember, this is the same guy who spent weeks hectoring former Supreme Court Chief Justice Frank Williams on the air for his alleged lack of family values; the same guy who was dismissed from Boston radio station WRKO for calling a gubernatorial candidate a "fat lesbian"; and the same guy who, speaking at an anti-illegal immigration rally at the State House, equated illegal immigrants to "cockroaches." (Can you spell "bigot," dear readers?)
And let us not forget the events of 2008, when the gallant and gutsy Journalist threw his wife under the bus when it was found that six falsified radio ratings books (a serious radio "no-no") were emanating from his home — indicating everyone in the house and an extended family that would have made a Mormon proud was glued to the radio during his show.
Yes, the true victims in all this would seem to be The Journalist's family. Unless Mrs. DePetro has been encouraging "Arbitron John" to "get his kicks in Room 66" (or would that be Room 666?) at the No Tell Motel, we would think she has some concerns.