As a result of Republican inexperience and ineptness, it's likely this legislative session will end in June with the party in power having accomplished far less than even its most realistic supporters (those without prehensile tails) expected. When it comes to issues ranging from restricting abortion to easing the rules on building near vernal pools to moving to the right on right-to-work, little will have changed.
Also, the prospects of any such change in the near future will be greatly diminished. Next year's legislative session is short and (supposedly) limited to emergency matters. Once it's over, the 2012 campaign starts in earnest and could end with somebody else being the top banana.
Until the GOP grasps the fact that legislators are independent creatures, more akin to pollywogs swimming aimlessly than koala bears banding together to fight predators with sophisticated catapults, laser-guided eucalyptus spears, and harsh economic sanctions (I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that's what koalas do, although I could have them confused with that other cute, cuddly critter, you know, the United Nations), it's never going to govern effectively. So long as the big bullfrog in the Blaine House keeps muddying the waters and filling the air with rancorous ribbits, Republicans will be straining (like this metaphor) to accomplish anything.
Still, it would be a mistake to assume the GOP's vision for Maine is dead. It might just be playing possum.
As that noted marsupial, Walt Kelly's Pogo, once announced, "We have met the enemy and he is us." Which may explain something about this foolishness, although, less than you might think. If you have thoughts, e-mail me at